BC018_English: Contingency Planning and Incident Management – HADRsmUniversity
BC018_English: Contingency Planning and Incident Management

BC018_English: Contingency Planning and Incident Management

  • $155.00

The ability to plan ahead for a potential crisis event, and strengthen the prepare and prevent phase of business continuity management will play a significant role in whether risks are avoided or mitigated against. Leadership teams should understand the value and methods by which to undertake effective contingency planning, and how this then supports effective, professional and timely incident (emergency) management should a crisis event occur. This leadership course outlines the nature of risk, the importance of management structures, policies, planning and training, and how incidents can be most effectively managed as a cross cutting organizational strategy that employs a logical, staged process. This training brings together management teams into a unified and mutually support approach to business continuity management. HR PHR Credits (Functional Area 6): This course supports Human Resource professionals in developing and then testing effective business continuity policies, plans and protocols (as well as disaster and recovery plans and organizational incident and emergency response plans), and communicating and training the workforce on safety, security and crisis management standards. It demonstrates sound resiliency, empowering organizational incident and emergency response measures and associated plans. This training also develops leadership concepts and applications, and protects the organization from loss and liability. PLEASE REMEMBER - Some modules offer language subtitles. Click the 'CC' button on the video player controls to select your language. WEAK INTERNET – If you have limited bandwidth, please ensure you select the lowest quality setting under the gear icon in the video player controls.