BC027_English: Managing Intimidation and Death Threats – HADRsmUniversity
BC027_English: Managing Intimidation and Death Threats

BC027_English: Managing Intimidation and Death Threats

  • $155.00

Intimidation and death threats have an impact not only on the victims of such threats, but also on their peers, family and the organization as a whole. Such threats and the resultant crisis they create are emotive, difficult to manage, often nebulous and confused, and complex in nature. It requires a strong and well informed leadership team to determine whether the threats are real, or whether (in the vast majority of cases) there is no substance to the threats. This leadership course supports management teams, whether at the headquarters level or at the point of the crisis, in understanding the threat and resultant risks, as well as the strategies by which to gather information, evaluate risks (whether internal or external), and determine the best courses of action to respond to and manage the event. The training looks at the importance of stakeholder management, and how to protect the interests of both the victim of the threat and the organization concurrently. This training brings together management teams into a unified and mutually support approach to business continuity management. HR PHR Credits (Functional Area 6): This course supports Human Resource professionals in developing and then testing effective business continuity policies, plans and protocols, and communicating and training the workforce on safety, security and crisis management standards. The course supports workplace safety and security risks, enables a return to work process, and underpins general health and safety practices. It also demonstrates sound resiliency and protects the organization from loss and liability, empowering organizational incident and emergency response measures and associated plans. PLEASE REMEMBER - Some modules offer language subtitles. Click the 'CC' button on the video player controls to select your language. WEAK INTERNET – If you have limited bandwidth, please ensure you select the lowest quality setting under the gear icon in the video player controls.