BC038_English: Roles and Responsibilities - Business Continuity Lead – HADRsmUniversity
BC038_English: Roles and Responsibilities - Business Continuity Lead

BC038_English: Roles and Responsibilities - Business Continuity Lead

  • $45.00

The Business Continuity Lead is responsible for coordinating the overall risk management, resiliency and continuity objectives for their organization. The appointee may be a risk management professional, or may assume the role as a secondary function. The Business Continuity Lead is responsible for establishing overarching standards, and ensuring these standards are monitored, reported on and where appropriate, enforced. While not being functionally responsible for all aspects of setting detailed performance outcomes, nor for directly implementing resiliency and continuity measures; the role will often engage with those departmental or locational champions (the Business Continuity Representatives or security Focal Points) responsible for specific aspects of risk management, ensuring that the interests of the organization are understood and met. The Business Continuity Lead champions the Business Continuity Management System, reports on its health, process and needs to the executive leadership team, and maintains the organization’s performance monitoring and management strategies. During a crisis the Business Continuity Lead may act as the Incident Commander for the organizational response, or as a technical advisor to the leadership team; understanding their – and critically all other components of the system and its application. PLEASE REMEMBER - Some modules offer language subtitles. Click the 'CC' button on the video player controls to select your language. WEAK INTERNET – If you have limited bandwidth, please ensure you select the lowest quality setting under the gear icon in the video player controls.