BC046_English: Family Liaison and Management During a Crisis – HADRsmUniversity
BC046_English: Family Liaison and Management During a Crisis

BC046_English: Family Liaison and Management During a Crisis

  • $195.00

This leadership training course reflects the need for leadership teams, principally from the Human Resources Department, to appoint, train and support Family Liaison Officers [or FLOs] who responsibilities include supporting staff member’s families during high stress crisis situations, both from an administrative and logistics standpoint, as well as through demonstrating organizational interest and compassion during what can be a highly emotional event. Strong planning measures, robust leadership, effective planning, clear roles and responsibilities, streamlined and accurate communicates, all coupled with a deep appreciation of the families probable needs underpins the success of failure of organizational Family Management. This course also articulates the need for Family Liaison Officers to engage with other internal and external stakeholders in order to achieve the most positive outcomes, understand the situations where family support may not be provided, while concurrently managing the needs of the organization during what can be a highly emotive and impactful event. This training brings together management teams into a unified and mutually support approach to business continuity management. HR PHR Credits (Functional Area 6): This course supports Human Resource professionals in developing and then testing effective business continuity policies, plans and protocols (as well as disaster and recovery plans and organizational incident and emergency response plans), and communicating and training the workforce on safety, security and crisis management standards. It demonstrates sound resiliency, empowering organizational incident and emergency response measures and associated plans. This training also develops leadership concepts and applications, and protects the organization from loss and liability. PLEASE REMEMBER - Some modules offer language subtitles. Click the 'CC' button on the video player controls to select your language. WEAK INTERNET – If you have limited bandwidth, please ensure you select the lowest quality setting under the gear icon in the video player controls.