GFeM003_English: Cordoning and Incident Control Point Management – HADRsmUniversity
GFeM003_English: Cordoning and Incident Control Point Management

GFeM003_English: Cordoning and Incident Control Point Management

  • $25.00

The Security Management Team may be responsible for establishing cordons and Incident Control Points to deal with a wide range of incidents, whether an accident, investigation or bomb threat, and as such, they must understand the nature and application of response protocols to prevent unauthorized access to a restricted area, and to create a command and control point from which they can manage an event, and meet, brief and guide in first responders effectively. PLEASE REMEMBER - Some modules offer language subtitles. Click the 'CC' button on the video player controls to select your language. WEAK INTERNET – If you have limited bandwidth, please ensure you select the lowest quality setting under the gear icon in the video player controls.